No more “I don’t know where to start” with our Treasure Trove of Digital Products.
Our library is overflowing with ready-to-sell digital products you can easily add to your craft business. Just brand it and sell it as your own.
No middle man or commission to pay because you keep 100% of the profits.
List the digital products in your online store and the profits you make are yours!
No worrying about running out of options.
Look out for the fresh drops monthly. We continue to brew up something new and exciting to keep your business ahead of the curve.
No doubts if this will fit with your brand.
You can make our files your own for a smooth and seamless integration into your brand. We make it easy to edit and rebrand using
I sell physical products. Should I use the library?
Yes! Digital products allow you to make a profit in your business without requiring you to physically create, package and ship something. There will be times when it’s impossible or very difficult to physically work in your craft room. During those times, your digital products will still be working and can still earn profits.
Yes. Our files come with private label rights which grant you the right to edit and rebrand our files to suite your business needs.
Immediately after purchase, you will receive an email with instructions on setting up your account to access the library platform. If you have any issues with access, simply send an email to support [email protected] and we'll get you taken care of.
Of course! We focus on harnessing the power of marketplaces like Etsy who have a built-in audience of over 81 million active buyers. We also offer opportunities to provide feedback on different target audiences so we can add digital products to reach different audiences.
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